Australian Macadamia Market Update December 2021 Week 51

Australia's macadamia industry has done quite well this year. Its 2021 crop included 51,500 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (55,200 tonnes in-shell, 10% moisture).

This is an increase of 10% from 2020, primarily due to the favourable conditions during the growth of the crops. The INC's report on the global forecast for the 2021 season predicts 240,424 tonnes in-shell, 3.5% moisture, an increase of just over 5%.

What Should We Expect from Australia?

With 2022 around the corner, Australia has great weather, creating excellent conditions for flowering and ensuring that young trees remain in good health. It is expected that new plantings will have increased yield. Global demand for macadamia kernels have increased with Japan, China and Hong Kong's demand increasing, Europe remaining the same, and the United States decreasing by 21% compared to last year.

Total macadamia in-shell imports to China and Hong Kong were down by 16% following record import sales in the period before. South Africa and Australia remain the major suppliers of NIS to this market.

Australian macadamia kernel sales have continued to perform very strongly. South Korea continues to be one of the fastest recovering markets for Australian sales, up 65%. Sales to the domestic market were positive at +14% on the year before.

Guest UserWeek 51, Macadamia