Dried Figs Market Update June 2022 Week 23

We have important news from Iran. Dried fig exports have slumped by nearly 50% in April alone, from last year’s numbers. Kazakhstan has also taken suppliers by surprise. It seems that delayed nuclear negotiations also affected dried fig export sales in the country.

As for Iran, it has been reported that it sold only 291 MT of dried figs in April, valued at US$880,000. When you compare this with last year’s numbers which was 568 MT valued at US$ 1.720 million in April 2021. Worse yet, April 2022 performed worse than March where dried figs were supplied at US$ 2.268 million at 750 MT.

Current average export prices are at US$3.02 per kg. This sharp decline is said to be due to Ramadan which ended on April 21. Furthermore, due to the drought in the country, the quality as well quantity of the current crop has also been affected. We will let you know when we have more information.