Dried Figs Market Update Week 35
We've got important updates about Turkey's dried fig production. Last week's rains have definitely impacted the quality of the crop, with export quality products now being very limited. The crop size for this year is expected to be around 92,000 mt.
The previous week's rain, along with the humidity levels, has caused some fruits which were laid out for drying to burst. This limits the supplies for dried figs that could be exported, especially to the EU, where higher quality requirements are necessary. Tariş, Turkey's fig association, has also issued purchasing prices for this year's harvest.
The export season will kick start in October. The Aegean Exporters' Association will announce the starting date of the new season during a meeting on Thursday.
Exports have been reported to be on a downward trajection since the final weeks of the season draw near. Weekly exports have plummeted to 570 mt. Total exports range at 64,614 mt, a decrease from last year's 66,928 mt.