Pumpkin Seed Market Update March 2022 Week 11

Pumpkin Seed Market Update March 2022 Week 11

The pumpkin seed market is encompassed between many different actors and variables currently. It is a highly uncertain time between speculators, the Ukraine crisis, and the shipping problems. 

Speculators have continued to encourage farmers to sell. However, due to the Ukraine crisis, the European market has been idle for the past few months. This conundrum has taken the pumpkin seed market nowhere. While farmers have been continuously encouraged to sell, speculators started to sell their inventories at prices above the market rate. With little to no activity in the market, it has become increasingly hard to find competitive rates for farmers. 

Factories, on the other hand, need regular cash flow. This allows the players to negotiate with them on levels acceptable to both parties. This does not hold true for the farmers as a collective. 

Shipping issues have continued in general across the dried fruit and nut industry. While the availability of containers and port access was part of the problems, instability in shipping costs has added much uncertainty to an already uncertain and idle market. 

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