Pumpkin Seeds Market Update for October 2021

In this post, you can expect to learn more about pumpkin seeds and their production this year, along with crop sizes as well as market trends. To make things easier, we’ve created profiles for the various kinds of pumpkin seeds available this time of the year.

Pumpkin Kernels

Total volume: harvest volume is about 14,000MT. It is larger than last year. Harvest will continue through early November. 

Domestic Market: Farmers are still drying the raw materials. There have been no large concentrated quantities buying until now.

International Market: The current market is relatively stable. There are fewer purchase orders of large quantities. 

Market Prediction: If the international market starts to purchase, the price might rise slightly by about $80 in October.

Shine Skin Pumpkin Seed 

Total output: The total output of shine skin seeds in the 2021 crop is about 200,000MT, about 40,000 lower than the last crop. 

Chinese domestic market: At present, some people have united to stock up many seeds and have purchased nearly over half of the goods. The current situation is unstable, raw materials price is rising all the way, the export factory only purchases small quantities of raw seeds at one time. 

Market prediction: Domestic and foreign purchases are in progress, so the price is difficult to fall. If the market circulation of goods is less than one-third, the price will remain high and might slightly increase.

Snow White Pumpkin Seed

Quantity: The quality of the 2021 crop of snow-white pumpkin seed is pretty good. The total harvest volume currently is about 18,000MT. 

Size: Snow white size is very average this year, so bigger size over 13cm and smaller size below 11cm might be in short supply.

Color: Snow white color is very pure white this year with a very nice color.

Xinjiang Origin: The quality of Xinjiang origin is better than the last crop. Seeds are drying, ready to enter the market. 

Heilongjiang Origin: Moisture of the seeds from North origin is high, still needs more time to dry. 

Market Prediction: There is no leftover from the last crop. It will be hard to find a lower quality in this season. The market price is stable. Massive purchase has not started yet. Still needs a couple of weeks to see the market.

Guest UserWeek 43, Pumpkin Seeds