The World’s First Hybrid Battery Powered Self-Discharger is Being Tested in Water

We've recently learned that the MV Aasfjell is being tested for operation. Built for Norway's Aasen shipping, the Aasfjell and her sister, the Aasfoss, were first ordered back in June 2019. They have been fitted with a hybrid propulsion system in a bid to cut down on emissions and achieve the ultimate goal of emission-free ports.

The ships are the first in 9,300 dwt bulk carriers built specifically for this purpose. Each vessel is 394 feet tall with a 339-kWh battery system to power all in-port operations and enable peak erosion on the main engine while at sea, setting a new standard in the maritime sector.

It is expected that the battery pack will enable propulsion and manoeuvre in the port without needing the main engine as well. The battery pack is expected to cut down fuel usage by 400 tons each year.

Both ships are powered by a Wartsila main engine that has been made ecologically efficient too. The main engine has a variable revolution capacity which will lead to lower fuel consumption, and in turn, fewer emissions due to slow steaming.

The ships' hulls have been designed for maximum efficiency as well, and the propeller is also controlled by an active eco-control system.

Guest UserWeek 51, Hybrid Battery