Comparative Analysis of 2023-2024 Dried Figs Crop Reports from Turkey: Quality, Yield, and Market Trends

Update on the 2023-2024 Dried Figs Crop in Turkey: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Reports

In the dynamic world of the dried figs market, up-to-date and precise information is invaluable. We have recently acquired two contrasting reports from our trusted sources in Turkey, dated 24th August and 4th September. These reports present divergent views on the 2023-2024 dried figs crop. In this article, we aim to offer a balanced understanding of the current market conditions through a detailed comparison.

Quality of Crop

  • 24th August Report: This report paints an optimistic picture, stating that the overall quality of the crop is fine.

  • 4th September Report: In contrast, this report indicates a decline in quality due to increased humidity levels affecting the crop.

Open Mouth Figs Quantity

  • 24th August Report: The report suggests that the quantity of open mouth figs is 8-10% higher than in typical years.

  • 4th September Report: This report counters by stating that the quantity of open mouth figs is normal.

Crop Yield

  • 24th August Report: The report mentions a 10% increase in crop yield compared to the 2022 crop.

  • 4th September Report: While it specifies the crop quantity as 92 thousand tonnes, it also confirms a 10% increase in crop yield compared to the previous year.


  • 4th September Report: This report adds that prices are higher than expected, a detail not covered in the 24th August report.

Market Stability

  • 4th September Report: According to this report, companies are expecting a stable market, a point not discussed in the earlier report.

Product Qualities Affected by Humidity

  • 4th September Report: This report highlights that a variety of product qualities are available on the market, but also notes that increased humidity levels are affecting the overall quality.

Points of Agreement

Both reports agree on the delay in crop arrival. They also concur that the sizes of the products are balanced. Additionally, the first loading date is expected to be in the 2nd or 3rd week of October, providing some consistency in these otherwise divergent reports.


The differing perspectives in these reports underscore the fluid nature of agricultural markets and the importance of continuous monitoring. We remain steadfast in our commitment to provide our partners with the most current and reliable information, aiding informed decision-making in this intricate market.

For further inquiries or to discuss these findings in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Impact of Humidity on Fig Quality

Constantinos Cardassilaris