Current Trends and Opportunities in the Peanut Market

Executive Summary

The Chinese peanut market is currently experiencing reduced activity, with significant stockpiles held by oil crushers. Peanut prices have declined due to excess supply and lower demand for oil cakes. The arrival of the new Argentine crop is expected to impact Chinese peanut exports. Increased peanut planting in China, driven by low maize prices and a general economic downturn, is notable. Imports from other regions have decreased, presenting a buying opportunity as current low prices may rise once the new crop is harvested.

Market Update: Peanuts

Current Market Status

  • Quiet Market: Low activity in the Chinese peanut market; oil crushers maintain adequate stock levels; fresh collection slow due to stringent standards.

  • Stock Management: Sellers impatient to clear stocks before summer to avoid cold storage costs, resulting in reduced prices compared to the previous month.

Price Trends

  • Oil Cakes: Slow sales at reduced prices as animal feed, contributing to overall lower peanut prices.

  • Current Prices: Lower than one month ago due to sellers' need to reduce stockpiles.

New Crops and Supply

  • Argentine Crop: New crop entering the market, affecting Chinese peanut exports.

  • Chinese Crop: Currently being planted with a slight increase over last year (around 10% more), driven by lower maize prices.

Economic Influences

  • Economic Downturn: General lower demand linked to poor economic conditions in China.

Import Trends

  • Reduced Imports: Significantly lower quantities of peanuts imported from other origins; smaller margins compared to previous years.

Buying Opportunity

  • Market Timing: Present moment deemed advantageous for purchasing Chinese peanuts; prices may increase once the new crop is harvested and stocks move to cold storage.


Given the current market conditions, now is considered an advantageous time to buy Chinese peanuts. Prices are likely to increase once the new crop is harvested and existing stocks are moved into cold storage warehouses.