Global Pistachio Production and Consumption: Analysis for 2022/2023 and Estimated Figures for 2023/2024

Pistachios Market Update March 2022 Week 11

Welcome to our comprehensive report on world pistachio production and consumption for the years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024. Pistachios have gained immense popularity among consumers worldwide, driven by their distinct flavor and nutritional benefits. Staying informed about the production trends, supply dynamics, and consumption patterns in major pistachio-producing countries is crucial as the demand for pistachios continues to rise.

In this report, we delve into the key metrics shaping the global pistachio industry. We analyze production figures, total supply, ending stock, consumption trends, and percentage differences for each country. Our aim is to provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the pistachio market.

Factors such as climate conditions, agricultural practices, trade policies, and consumer preferences significantly influence the pistachio industry. Understanding these factors and their impact on production and consumption can empower industry professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts to make informed decisions and identify growth opportunities.

By examining the data for 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, we present a comprehensive overview of the current state of the global pistachio market. Whether you are a farmer, distributor, or simply interested in pistachios, this report equips you with the knowledge to navigate the industry with confidence.

We have sourced our data from reputable industry associations, governmental bodies, and reliable market research reports to ensure accuracy and reliability. It is important to note that the data presented in this report is subject to updates and changes as new information becomes available.

Join us as we embark on a journey through the world of pistachio production and consumption. We unravel the trends, opportunities, and challenges that shape the industry, providing you with a deeper understanding of the global pistachio market.

Please proceed to explore the detailed analysis of pistachio production and consumption for the years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.

Data Analysis for 2022/2023:


  • Total Supply: 561,746 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 90,000 metric tons

  • Crop: 401,039 metric tons

  • Consumption: 471,746 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 335,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 95,000 metric tons

  • Crop: 200,000 metric tons

  • Consumption: 240,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 121,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 30,000 metric tons

  • Crop: 106,000 metric tons

  • Consumption: 91,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 19,500 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 19,500 metric tons

  • Consumption: 19,500 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 10,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 10,000 metric tons

  • Consumption: 10,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 3,650 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 3,650 metric tons

  • Consumption: 3,650 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 3,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 3,000 metric tons

  • Consumption: 3,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 2,360 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 2,360 metric tons

  • Consumption: 2,360 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 1,200 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 50 metric tons

  • Crop: 1,200 metric tons

  • Consumption: 1,150 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 600 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 600 metric tons

  • Consumption: 600 metric tons

Data Analysis for 2023/2024:


  • Total Supply: 590,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 90,000 metric tons

  • Crop: 401,000 metric tons

  • Consumption: 499,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 190,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 95,000 metric tons

  • Crop: 200,000 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 195,000 metric tons (estimate)


  • Total Supply: 200,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 30,000 metric tons

  • Crop: 106,000 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 166,000 metric tons (estimate)


  • Total Supply: 25,500 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 19,500 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 19,500 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 7,000 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 10,000 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 10,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 1,400 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 3,650 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 3,650 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 4,500 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 3,000 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 3,000 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 2,500 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 2,360 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 2,360 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 1,250 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 1,200 metric tons

  • Consumption: 1,200 metric tons


  • Total Supply: 500 metric tons

  • Ending Stock: 0 metric tons

  • Crop: 600 metric tons (estimate)

  • Consumption: 600 metric tons

Percentage Differences for 2023/2024 vs 2022/2023:


  • Total Supply: +4.99%

  • Ending Stock: 0.00%

  • Crop: 0.24%

  • Consumption: +5.73%


  • Total Supply: -43.28%

  • Ending Stock: 0.00%

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: -18.75% (estimate)


  • Total Supply: +65.29%

  • Ending Stock: 0.00%

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: +82.42% (estimate)


  • Total Supply: +30.77%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: 0.00%


  • Total Supply: -30.00%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: 0.00%


  • Total Supply: -61.70%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: 0.00%


  • Total Supply: +50.00%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: 0.00%


  • Total Supply: +5.93%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: 0.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: 0.00%


  • Total Supply: +4.17%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: 0.00%

  • Consumption: +4.35%


  • Total Supply: -16.67%

  • Ending Stock: N/A

  • Crop: +20.00% (estimate)

  • Consumption: 0.00%


Based on the data analysis for 2022/2023 and estimated figures for 2023/2024, several key conclusions can be drawn regarding the global pistachio production and consumption:

  1. Increase in World Total Supply: The world total supply of pistachios witnessed a significant increase from 1,058,056 metric tons in 2022/2023 to an estimated 1,237,650 metric tons in 2023/2024, representing a growth of 17.00%. This indicates a positive trend in the global pistachio industry, with expectations of increased production efforts and favorable market conditions.

  2. Surge in World Consumption: The consumption of pistachios globally experienced a notable rise, reaching 843,006 metric tons in 2022/2023 and is estimated to further increase to 877,650 metric tons in 2023/2024. This represents a growth of 4.10% and suggests a growing demand for pistachios among consumers worldwide.

  3. Shifts in Country-wise Production and Consumption: While the USA maintained its position as a major player in pistachio production, with a consistent crop volume, other countries such as Iran, Syria, and Greece showcased significant percentage increases in their estimated production for 2023/2024. This reflects evolving dynamics in the global pistachio market and the potential for diversification in the supply chain.

  4. Varied Percentage Differences: The percentage differences between the estimated figures for 2023/2024 and the actual data for 2022/2023 varied across countries. Some countries are expected to witness substantial growth in their total supply and consumption, such as Iran, with an estimated 65.29% increase in total supply and an 82.42% increase in consumption. Conversely, TÜRKIYE is projected to experience a decline in total supply and consumption, highlighting the need for further analysis and understanding of the underlying factors influencing these shifts.

  5. Importance of Monitoring Ending Stock: Monitoring the ending stock of pistachios is crucial for assessing market stability and supply availability. While some countries are projected to report zero ending stock due to consumption, others are expected to maintain significant ending stock levels, indicating sufficient supply for future demands and market fluctuations.

  6. Market Opportunities and Challenges: The data analysis reveals potential market opportunities for countries that are estimated to witness significant growth in their production figures for 2023/2024. However, challenges such as climate conditions, trade policies, and consumer preferences continue to shape the industry's landscape, requiring stakeholders to stay adaptable and responsive to these dynamics.

It is important to note that the data presented in this report includes estimated figures for 2023/2024 and should be interpreted with caution. These estimates are subject to potential revisions based on actual data as it becomes available.

Source: INC 2023

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