Global Cashew Production and Consumption Trends: A Deep Dive into Europe's Snacking Habits

Comparison of Estimated World Cashew Production (2022-2023): The global cashew production has seen some significant changes from 2022 to 2023. While some countries like Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry, Senegal, and Togo have seen an increase in production, others like India, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Benin have experienced a decrease. The overall world production has seen a slight decrease of 1.0%. This comprehensive table provides a detailed comparison of the cashew production in metric tons for each country, along with the percentage change from 2022 to 2023.

Comparison of Estimated World Cashew Production (2022-2023)

Country 2022 Production (MT) 2023 Production (MT) % Change
India 675,000 650,000 -3.7%
Cambodia 670,000 650,000 -3.0%
Vietnam 450,000 350,000 -22.2%
Côte d'Ivoire 1,235,000 1,250,000 +1.2%
Nigeria 275,000 275,000 0%
Guinea-Bissau 260,000 260,000 0%
Benin 240,000 230,000 -4.2%
Ghana 200,000 235,000 +17.5%
Burkina Faso 130,000 150,000 +15.4%
Guinea Conakry 120,000 140,000 +16.7%
Senegal 85,000 100,000 +17.6%
Togo 60,000 90,000 +50.0%
Gambia 28,000 28,000 0%
Mali 7,000 7,000 0%
Subtotal Western Africa 2,640,000 2,765,000 +4.7%
Subtotal Northern Hemisphere 4,435,000 4,415,000 -0.5%
Tanzania 200,000 200,000 0%
Mozambique 85,000 85,000 0%
Kenya 5,000 5,000 0%
Subtotal Eastern Africa 290,000 290,000 0%
Brazil 147,200 115,000 -21.9%
Indonesia 100,000 100,000 0%
Subtotal Southern Hemisphere 537,200 505,000 -6.0%
Others 55,000 55,000 0%
World Total 5,027,200 4,975,000 -1.0%

Trends and Shifts in Consumption Patterns - Europe:

Various elements have shaped consumption patterns in Europe. Conscious snacking and indulgence continue to be at the forefront for consumers, with a trend towards increased at-home consumption as a result of the pandemic. A growing trend of health consciousness is evident, with consumer expectations shifting towards healthier snack options. This shift includes a preference for more organic products and a demand for a shorter list of ingredients. Regulatory mandates from the government are also impacting the industry, necessitating adherence to Nutri-Score or non-HFSS standards. Consequently, categories that are perceived as healthier, such as nuts & seeds, are expected to gain from this heightened health consciousness.

source: INC, Cashews round table

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