INC Annual Report Summary

On October 28, 2021, the International Nuts & Dried Fruit Council released its annual report for 2020/2021. In this report, we saw a thorough review of the INC’s activities throughout the year, including webinars, events, marketing campaigns, awareness programs, and more done to facilitate the spread of knowledge and interest in nuts and dried fruit globally.

Here is a look at some of the most important points which everyone should keep in mind as we head towards a new year.

Priorities for 2021/22

Sustainability has been very important for the entire industry in the past year and the INC continues to prioritize this in the coming year as well. The INC has identified 9 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN, which directly impacts the industry, and aims to achieve these SDGs.

The way forward, as determined by the INC, is through the sustainable growth of the sector. To do this, they plan on establishing a new international working group formed by both academic and private  sector  experts to advise and oversee the development of the INC Sustainability Agenda, and to explore opportunities for collaboration that will yield long-term benefits for the industry.

The INC’s Measures to Adapt to the Times 

In addition to its goals for the coming years, the report also consists of a series of important webinars that took place during the pandemic. Even after lockdown restrictions were lifted, due to the circumstances, the INC responsibly held video conferences as opposed to live ones.

Near the end of the year, the INC was able to hold its first in-person event since 2020 in Cologne, Germany. Industry leaders were able to meet and make deals in person which is precisely what the INC has been aiming to do.

Outreach and Awareness 

This brings us to outreach. In the previous year, the INC has done quite a bit to expand on outreach and brand awareness. Like the last several years, the focus has continued to be on the sustainable production of all dried fruit and nut products.

The INC took note of various initiatives from industry leaders towards giving back to the community in these devastating times.

Our Thoughts

There’s no doubt that it has been a very busy year for everyone. As 2022 nears, some of the issues faced by the industry start to clear while others continue to exist. However, what we have learned from this tempestuous year is that resilience can make even the most impossible things happen.

We have proven that even in the toughest of situations, we can create solutions that will benefit not just our manufacturers and suppliers but also those who work hard to grow the crops we ship across the globe.

That alone has made this year successful. If you want to read the INC annual report in detail, you can do so here.

Guest UserWeek 44, INC