Macadamia Nuts Market Update July 2022 Week 28

Since the floods at the beginning of the year, Australian growers have been quite optimistic. The harvest is now in full swing, and there are reports of a good yield, despite all the adversities. Since the heavy rains, the Australian macadamia growing regions' conditions have improved significantly. At the time, the floods caused quite some devastation, with plantations and infrastructure being destroyed, along with growers' machines.

It has been reported that Bundaberg, the largest producing region in Australia, was not affected by the weather extremes. A good sign since the region provides more than 45% of Australia's annual macadamia production. The total Australian production has been estimated at 49,340 MT of in-shell macadamia in May, 10% less than 2021. While there were concerns that the yield would be of poorer quality, it has not happened so far.

The next report on Australian macadamia nuts is due in September. We will update you on the situation.