Raw Nut Price Surge and Supply Chain Disruptions Shake Industry

Executive Summary

The nuts and dried fruits industry is currently facing significant challenges due to a surge in raw nut prices, contractual fulfillment issues, buyer panic, and an export ban by the Ivory Coast government. Raw nut prices have increased by 50% in one month, creating pressure on the supply chain and pricing strategies. Only half of the contracted goods have been delivered, causing disruptions and making it difficult for processors to meet their obligations. Shippers are renegotiating prices or defaulting on contracts, leading to widespread buyer panic. Additionally, the Ivory Coast government’s export ban is expected to cause mass contract cancellations, further exacerbating market instability.


•  Significant Price Increase

      •   Raw nut material prices rose by 50% within a single month, putting pressure on the supply chain and pricing strategies.

•  Delivery Challenges

      •   Only half of the contracted goods have been delivered, causing significant disruptions as processors struggle to meet their contractual obligations.

•  Renegotiation and Default

      •   Shippers are renegotiating prices for old contracts due to the cost surge, with some defaulting on agreements, leading to buyer panic.

•  IVC Export Ban Impact

      •   The Ivory Coast government’s export ban decision is viewed as a force majeure, potentially leading to a large number of contract cancellations and increasing market uncertainty.

Detailed Analysis

Price Surge and Supply Chain Impact

The industry has witnessed a rapid 50% increase in raw nut prices within a month, significantly raising production costs. This price surge is due to supply constraints and rising demand, causing a considerable strain on the supply chain. Contractual fulfillment has been severely impacted, with only 50% of goods being delivered as per agreements. This shortfall has left many processors unable to meet their commitments, adding to the instability in the market.

Buyer Sentiment and Market Panic

The unexpected price rise has forced shippers to renegotiate existing contracts, often leading to disputes and further delays. Some shippers are defaulting on their agreements, choosing not to ship goods at the previously agreed prices. This defaulting is causing widespread panic among buyers, who are concerned about the reliability of their supply chains and fear not receiving their orders.

Ivory Coast Government Export Ban

The Ivory Coast government’s decision to impose an export ban is being argued by shippers as a force majeure event. This legal classification could justify the cancellation of numerous contracts by packers. The unresolved ban and associated conflicts in the Ivory Coast are heightening market tensions, with buyers increasingly worried about the stability and security of their supply chains.


The recent surge in raw nut prices, coupled with the resulting supply chain disruptions, presents significant challenges for the nuts and dried fruits industry. The Ivory Coast government’s export ban exacerbates these issues, leading to market instability and buyer panic. Immediate actions and strategic planning are crucial to mitigate these impacts and stabilize the market.

Julia Manolakaki