Sustainability Trends to Look Out For in 2022

Sustainability Trends to Look Out For in 2022

Sustainability trends are set to soar in 2022. Businesses need to be mindful of these upcoming trends and implement them into their sustainability strategy to stay competitive. 

From ESG investments to renewable energy, here are the top 5 sustainability trends for 2022.

Increase in ESG investments

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is an investment that concentrates on its environment and social impact. 

ESG investments have risen since the pandemic and show no sign of slowing down in 2022. Everyone from investors to consumers understands the value of acting sustainably.

Climate Positive to replace Net Zero

Businesses are looking beyond achieving Net Zero carbon emissions and considering how to create climate positive action by removing additional CO2 from the atmosphere; this could include tree planting or sequestration. 

Climate positive seems like the next natural step as it concentrates on acting now in a way that will benefit future generations.

Sustainability becomes the new normal

Sustainability product demand has risen tremendously. Consumers are aware of the impacts of climate change. As such, they want to purchase sustainably and do so from a business that has strong environmental values.

Businesses need to be transparent about their sustainability actions. With consumers being greenwashed in the past, it is not enough for businesses to state they are green. Consumers want facts and figures as to why and if these aren’t provided, they’ll go elsewhere. 

Businesses need to be honest about their sustainability and clearly show how they look to improve in the upcoming years to keep customers, employees and stakeholders.

2022 will be a deciding year for many businesses. Businesses need to act to stay relevant and competitive. Sustainability isn’t just a passing craze. 

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