Turkish Pistachio Market Update December 2021

Despite market uncertainty due to the currency crisis at the moment, Turkey has done quite well when it came to pistachio exports between January and October 2021.

In fact, in a time where most countries are reporting a loss in export figures, Turkey managed to exceed its pistachio exports from last year by 33%. Around $118.9 million were made from pistachio exports in 2020, according to the compilation of the Southeastern Anatolian Exporters' Association (GAIB) data by the Anadolu Agency (AA).

Market Sales So Far

Following similar (and better) trends, Turkey has sold $158.2 million worth of pistachios to markets abroad in the first 10 months of 2021. Approximately 15,126 tonnes of pistachios were exported to over 100 countries from all across the globe.

This list included several countries such as Canada, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Morocco, Japan, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Cuba, and Russia.

Most exports were sent to Italy, with $38.8 million of pistachios bought in the first ten months alone. Germany was next on the list of importers, which bought $27.5 million pistachios from Turkey, and Israel followed with $9.3 million.

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