Sunflower Seeds Market Update April 2022 Week 17

It has been reported that the stocks of the 361 type of sunflower seeds are sufficient. It is being exported in large quantities, and the price is relatively stable. The 363 type price has been high since the harvest. Yet, it is worth noting after the Chinese New Year, demand for the best quality of 363 has been lower. Prices, of course, remain higher than the 361 types. But since the stock is now sufficient, the price for 363 will decrease.

The 601 type is nearly sold out. It seems that the demand has exceeded the supply by a lot. Last season's yield of 601 was very low, and it is expected that the new season's planting area might decrease due to this.

For sunflower kernel, the demand is still quite high, and factories are busy with their orders every day. It is worth noting that the factories have nearly no stocks and have had to keep buying raw materials. This led to an increase in the price of the raw seeds to US$100/MT in March alone. Since there's a shortage of raw materials, we don't expect prices to go down any time soon.