Pumpkin Seeds Update According to Various Varieties Available

The following pumpkin seed and kernel varieties have the following market updates:

Shine Skin Pumpkin Seed and Kernel

The total volume of crops this season has been around 150,000 tons. Farmers are expected to hold about 20% of the total, with around 70% already accounted for by traders, with 10% going to factories. Factories in Chinese markets use top-quality kernels.

It is expected that the Shine Shine demand will decrease compared to this time last year. It has been noted that factories are refusing to do long-term shipments this year due to stock limitations and the risk associated with long-term commitment. The grade A stock is short in supply. Prices are expected to remain volatile until the Chinese New Year.

GWS Skin Pumpkin Kernel

Factories have already stocked the GWS skin variety. The new crop purchase has nearly finished. Prices will be set according to the fluctuation of the cost, price of the skin kernel, and the quantities ordered.

The GWS grade A quantity is lower than in previous years, but demands remain high. With limited supply, this is bound to increase prices. It is to be noted that there had been crop infestations rendering some early raw materials below standards in this particular crop.

Snow White Pumpkin Seed 

For the Snow White variety, the total harvest volume was about 16,000 MT this season. Inventory distributions have revealed that 50% of the total harvest is in factories now, with 30% individual stocks and 20% held by farmers.

The quality of the crop is much better than last. Prices are stable for now since the purchase hasn’t begun yet. It is suspected that prices will rise once large-scale purchasing begins.

Guest UserWeek 45, Pumpkin Seeds